The Secret to PPC Success? It’s Your Landing Page

In our digital age, businesses have their work cut out for them when it comes to getting users onto their websites. While this traffic can be attracted organically by their search engine results page (SERP) rankings and other search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, it can also be bolstered through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

If your small or mid-sized airport engages in PPC advertising, you might think that a click is synonymous with a victory. However, it’s what greets users after that click that truly defines your marketing success. To learn how to keep users on your site longer and increase their likelihood of conversion, Advance Aviation, a division of Advance Media New York, covers the key components that all successful airport landing pages should have.

Fast Response Times

Did you know that most mobile users will back out of a website in mere seconds if it fails to load? If your landing page is slow to process on travelers’ screens, then your PPC might be going to waste. To make the most of your web traffic’s time, it can help to regularly track your website’s speed performance. Similarly, be sure that your website performs well across a variety of devices, including desktop computers and mobile phones, especially as technology continues its rapid course of development.

Persuasive Value Propositions

Too often, landing pages present a buying opportunity for users but don’t tell them why converting is the right choice. To craft an effective value proposition, your landing page should tell travelers how your facility solves a common problem, like getting them where they need to be without waiting in long lines or dealing with heavy traffic. Similarly, your page should reassure visitors that they’ve come to the right place. This is a great spot for call-outs, including customer-satisfaction ratings and reviews.

A Clear Call to Action

When designing a call to action (CTA) for your landing page, PPC visitors should be able to spot it from a mile away. To achieve this level of visibility, we suggest using easy-to-click buttons with contrasting colors and large fonts. We also recommend displaying your CTA in more than one location on your landing page to encourage more of your web traffic to convert.

Customization Is Key

Many airport websites automatically integrate relevant consumer information, including their travel destinations, departure dates, and more. This information can be drawn directly from users’ search queries, generating a personal, convenient experience for them upon their first click. This saves users time and effort, making it quick and easy for them to navigate dutifully down the road of the buyer’s journey.

Optimize Your Landing Page Today

It takes more than just a click to convert web surfers into repeat fliers. Your entire website has a part to play in converting your PPC traffic, the most important of which is played by your ad’s landing page. If you want to optimize your landing page and provide travelers with an unbeatable user experience, Advance Aviation is here to help you. We are a full-service airport marketing firm based out of Syracuse, NY, that specializes in helping small to mid-sized airports increase their enplanements and passenger retention. To get started, contact us today.