2024 Education Marketing Trends

The education sector continues to be highly competitive. Just as students are evolving, so are the marketing tactics used to attract them. Institutions must embrace the latest marketing approaches to distinguish themselves and effectively appeal to prospective students and their families. The team at AMNY Education Marketing offers insights into what approaches higher education providers should consider. Here, we discuss the education marketing trends you can expect for 2024.

More Digital Than Ever

Marketing to prospective students in today’s day in age isn’t like it was in the past. That’s because today’s high school seniors have never lived in a world without digital technology or the internet. Mobile devices and Internet-powered applications have always played a major role in their lives.

Today’s prospective students use their devices that are connected to the internet for everything they do. Researching secondary educational opportunities is no different. Therefore, higher learning institutions should focus their marketing efforts on their digital assets. Evidence shows that nearly three in four prospective students will use a school’s website for initial research.

Importance of Authentic Connections

Today’s prospective students are influenced by the connections they feel with a higher education institution. This connection makes them feel excited and welcome. Current students make great spokespeople as they are generally able to connect with prospective students more effectively than the administration can.

Current students are good examples of what your institution embodies. Their input can be part of a great marketing plan. Many believe that student-to-student interactions are a crucial part of the student recruitment journey. Prospective students will have the opportunity to speak with someone they view as a peer and with whom they may be willing to trust more.

 Multiple Channel Recruiting

Social media plays a major role in how high school students live their lives. It should come as no surprise that it would impact a prospective student’s decision on higher education. Many students are turning to social media platforms to gain information rather than search engines. Institutions integrate social media into their marketing strategies to interact with prospective students and highlight their brand.

For the best chance at engaging your target audience, you must have all your social media bases covered. That means being present on multiple platforms. Ensuring channel coverage and distributing engaging digital content can help you reach your education marketing goals.

Embracing Short Form Video

Social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have made short-form videos commonplace. This popular video trend is becoming increasingly more prevalent in marketing in the education sector. That’s because more people who watch short-form videos remain tuned in longer.

Marketers in the education sector should be utilizing short-form video in the following ways:

  • Highlight learning facilities and other selling points of the campus
  • Promote coursework and the various educational opportunities available
  • Showcase student life on campus and broadcast authentic testimonials
  • Answer common questions

SEO Optimization

SEO optimization has been a cornerstone of education marketing for quite some time. This makes it difficult to call it a trend. However, because online learning has continued to grow, SEO optimization is of particular importance to the education sector.

More and more people are seeking online educational opportunities. Experts predict that the online education market will grow 110% by 2026. With the higher learning landscape shifting, the need for innovative solutions grows.

SEO optimization helps to reach virtual students who are searching for your services. It creates organic growth and ensures your services are easy for prospective students to locate.

Effective Strategies at AMNY Education Marketing

Education marketing is constantly evolving. Every year brings exciting trends that can shape the success of higher education providers in their recruitment efforts. AMNY Education Marketing is dedicated to helping educational institutions reach their marketing goals. Our team utilizes the latest and most proven strategies for creating authentic and engaging content. For more information about us or what tactics we use to increase engagement and enrollment rates, contact us today.