Talking About Breast Cancer: Causes, Concerns, and Tough Conversations

The right marketing strategy can make all the difference during those tougher conversations between patient and provider. Whether you’re ramping up your marketing efforts for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October or preparing for the influx of breast exam patients during this time, your digital marketing efforts should present relevant content that mirrors what’s on everyone’s mind.

At AMNY Health Marketing, our creative team is experienced in helping healthcare organizations craft innovative messages that cover delicate topics, such as breast cancer. Here, we’ll discuss some of the ways your efforts can help ease common concerns and contribute to a healthier population.

Raising Breast Cancer Awareness

As providers know, breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the breast when cells in that area grow out of control. While most breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous), cancerous cells can spread if they reach the blood or lymph system and are carried to other parts of the body. Here are some fast facts that your marketing strategy may cover:

  • Risk: Risk factors vary by patient and include age, genetics, breast density, and reproductive history.
  • Risk reduction: For many people, maintaining a healthy weight and being physically active can lower their risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Screenings: Several breast screening tests are available, and patients should talk to their doctor about when they should start getting screened.
  • Breast cancer staging: In many cases, early detection is the key to positive outcomes.
  • Treatments: Breast cancer treatments vary but may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or surgery.

As a healthcare organization, you can center your marketing messaging on the aspects you feel are most important for your patients to know about breast cancer. And this message can reach far beyond that of the brochures in your waiting room. From social media posts that remind patients to get screened to healthcare blogs that highlight the stories of breast cancer survivors, there are many ways to raise awareness of this topic.

Advocating for Cancer Prevention and Treatment

If you’re wondering where to start, you could increase awareness about breast cancer prevention. This helps ensure your current patients remember to make vital screening appointments as recommended by their physician. It also gives you a chance to reach out to potential new patients in the community.

In addition to broadcasting screening recommendations, you can also provide more information about specific screenings. This can help ease patient apprehension before they even enter your office. Your marketing efforts can provide insights on the following breast cancer screening topics:

  • Highlight the screening methods at your facility
  • Detail the screening process for each method
  • Explain what happens if an abnormality is found

The same strategy can be applied to marketing centered on breast cancer treatments. The more the community knows about the treatments available at your facility or in the area, the easier it can be for them to actively seek out the care they need. And depending on your healthcare marketing success evaluation, you can adjust your overall plan accordingly.

Keeping Cancer Marketing Light

Though breast cancer is a serious condition, your marketing can take a lighter tone without feeling insensitive – it’s all about pairing the right message with the right visuals. Each element of your strategy helps patients get to know your healthcare facility better, see how much your team cares, and feel comfortable enough to discuss their concerns with your physicians.

Your medical organization can also take pride in knowing that your marketing efforts do more than showcase the benefits of your facility and its state-of-the-art technology – it also helps save lives.

Providing Support Where It’s Needed Most

Does your facility have resources for those who’ve lost a loved one to breast cancer or have recently been diagnosed? Whether it’s a support group that meets regularly, in-house therapy, or a cancer helpline, your marketing strategy can cater to the needs of individuals who’ve been profoundly affected by the disease.

It can also highlight resources like local lodging options for cancer patients during treatment, as well as transportation services that help patients get to their appointments. If you partner with organizations that provide hair loss and mastectomy products, many patients would be happy to know this, as well.

Crafting a Lasting Marketing Strategy

October is certainly a good time to raise breast cancer awareness like every other facility. It’s ideal for company fundraisers, hosting a walk, and handing out pink ribbons. However, people are diagnosed with cancer all year long and researchers are always seeking a cure. Making sure your hospital or private practice consistently advocates for screenings helps ensure patients receive the care they need.

The creative team at AMNY Health Marketing knows how crucial it is to discuss tough topics like cancer in the most tactful and impactful ways possible. Our marketing capabilities for hospitals, private practices, and home health agencies are tailored to the unique needs of each facility, helping them acquire patients, boost referrals, and share their expertise. Contact us for more information.