How Healthcare Marketing Impacts Employee Retention

Healthcare employers want to retain their workforce because there has been an investment in training and onboarding. It’s also expensive and time-consuming to recruit and hire new employees. Healthcare marketing can assist employee retention efforts, while at the same time increasing new patients and referrals, promoting brand identity and expertise, and attracting new talent.

AMNY Health Marketing outlines several strategies that can lead to marketing success for hospitals and health systems, senior and home health organizations, and private practices.

Internal Marketing Strategies Impact Employee Retention

If you’ve been concerned about the employee retention rate at your healthcare institution or enterprise, it may be time to overhaul internal marketing efforts. One of the best places to start is with your mission, vision, and values statements. These pieces often encapsulate the best aspects of your operations and offer a strong foundation for building an attractive workplace culture. When you remind employees of your organization’s highest ideals, it helps them view the importance of day-to-day work within a broader, grander context.

Beyond honing your culture, internal marketing and promotions can strengthen retention. These solutions take many forms, including posters, digital in-house newsletters, employee events and gatherings, and authorized shareable social media posts. The AMNY Health Marketing team can help with creative services, content creation, and digital marketing capabilities. Discover what you can do with these services:

Promote New Plans and Policies

Everyone likes to be in the know, including the employees at your healthcare workplace. When new plans and policies are shared, it allows staff to get excited about new developments. It also helps them adapt to changing rules or environments. By providing advanced access to planning and setting up internal communication pathways for feedback, the organization can avoid surprise reactions and build trust.

Recognize Accomplishments

The employees, patients, and administration of a healthcare enterprise make up a community. Create a positive environment that cheers accomplishments and calls attention to employee successes. These practices develop cohesion and familiarity among the staff, which often leads to a friendlier, more accepting, and more encouraging atmosphere. Congratulatory promotions can focus on individuals, teams, professional groups, and other divisions.

Health and Wellness Initiatives

Fast-paced, patient-focused healthcare work environments may encourage employees to take on physical and emotional burdens that erode their health. Initiatives that encourage staff to practice self-care can reduce burnout and are key to employee retention. Promotions that focus on a healthy lifestyle go hand-in-hand with the mission of the healthcare enterprise. In addition to internal stakeholders, informative promotions about health are a great way to reach your external market, as well.

External Marketing Strategies Enhance Employee Identity

Healthcare providers and organizations are engaged in improving the health of their communities, and employees can rightfully develop a sense of pride in their work. When healthcare employers effectively advance the prestige of the institution and promote its brand, this reflects well on employee identities.

When staff participates in branding their workplace, they are helping to create a place where they want to remain and work. The resulting environment, both for patient care and employee satisfaction, can be an attractive recruiting tool for new talent. AMNY Health Marketing uses storytelling skills to help you highlight your areas of specialization and expertise.

When potential employees visit your operation either online or in person, they are investigating compensation, procedures, and structure, but they are also trying to determine whether they might fit in or be happy working there. By utilizing marketing strategies that focus both inside and outside the organization, healthcare providers can cultivate a culture of transparency and appreciation. In a healthcare workplace where employee achievements are honored, new initiatives are announced with collegiality, and there are visible campaigns for public health, both existing and potential employees will be attracted to your organization.

Retain Employees and Attract New Talent with Healthcare Marketing

Receive a complimentary marketing analysis from AMNY Health Marketing. We utilize data to help you create a work environment that provides excellent patient care while encouraging employee loyalty. Contact us today.