Recruitment Marketing2024-06-12T13:42:07+00:00


We Help Grow Your Company’s Best Asset

The Recruitment Landscape Has Changed,

Has Your Marketing Strategy?

Today’s best candidates are passive seekers open to considering a job change. They’re already employed, and may even be happy in their current positions. They may not even realize they’re open to considering their next career move – until something catches their eye and sparks their interest.

Advance Media NY Recruitment Marketing utilizes marketing strategies that explore the art and science of reaching ‘passive’ job seekers – combined with traditional job seeker and employer branding tactics – to meet a full-range of recruitment marketing needs.

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Who We Are & What We Do

Premium Publisher with a High-Quality Audience

As a premium news publisher, advertising within our trusted news environment produces substantially higher recall and response scores than advertising on nonpremium sites.

Rich Audience Data Resources Lead to Effective Marketing Strategies

We employ unique data profiles, curated from our audiences’ browsing and content consumption habits and third-party data, to help businesses target and reach the active and passive candidates they need.

Compelling Storytelling for your Brand

Compensation and benefits are only part of what attracts a candidate to an employer. In collaboration with our award-winning creative team, showcase what makes you truly different from you competition while attracting like-minded candidates perfect for your culture.

Learn More About How Advance Media NY Recruitment Marketing can Help You Reach Both Active and Passive Job Seekers

Active Job Seekers

  • Job Boards
  • Job Fairs
  • Listings
  • Social
  • Email

Passive Job Seekers

  • Display
  • Print
  • Social
  • Email

Employer Marketing

  • Video
  • Testimonials
  • Photo Gallery
  • Content


Marketing Strategy

Audience Research

Channel Management


Content Distribution

Job Fairs

Online Job Fair

In-Person Job Fair


Job Boards / Postings

Content Creation

Blog Writing

Sponsored Content

Content Calendars

Digital/Print Creative

Video Marketing

Concepting & Scripting

Video Production

Video Distribution

Targeting Optimization

Digital Marketing


Search Retargeting

Audience Targeting

Behavior Targeting

Creative Services

Video & Photoshoots

Digital/Print Ad Creation

Interactive 3D Tours

Collateral & More

Interested in a Complimentary Recruitment Marketing Consultation?

Recruitment Marketing Strategies







See how these strategies can work for you

With an award-winning creative team, anything is possible.

Compelling creative is essential to any recruitment-specific marketing plan. Our creative team crafts compelling videos, photos, display/print ads, content pieces and more to tell your story. Our creative team has won a total of 90 Awards (27 International and 63 New York State Awards over the years.

Learn more about their accomplishments here!

Recruitment Clients

Recruitment Marketing Success Stories


A local manufacturer was struggling to fill several open positions. In addition to not finding qualified candidates, the company was seeing applicants filling out the form but then failing to show up for their interview. This was putting further strain on the employer, wasting valuable employee time while also leaving key positions unfilled.

AMNY looked to extend the potential applicant pool for this employer – using a variety of targeted digital tactics – to reach not only more higher quality candidates.

Develop a layered approach which put the company and its recruitment opportunities front and center among both active and passive job seekers.

  • High Impact Adhesion Units – introduced the manufacturer to a broader passive audience utilizing prominent home page placements on the #1 news and information website in the community.
  • Targeted Display Ads – communicated openings and benefits to passive job seekers in the manufacturing space
  • MaxRecruit – Continue to reach the active job seeker but with more specific job board outreach including the job board and partner aggregator sites driving applies to employer’s ATS system.

The campaign drew a more qualified audience to the manufacturers job postings. Interested applicants increased the amount of time spent on site. Nearly 600 views of the job postings resulted and over 150 applied.


In addition to nursing positions, a healthcare client was struggling to hire and retain healthcare workers across departments.

Showcase the multitude of healthcare options available to the community at large, utilizing candidates, and healthcare professional family and friends as word-of-mouth ambassadors for the open healthcare positions.

Target passive healthcare job seekers and their families with creative messaging that speaks to the varied job opportunities available. Campaign was targeted to facilities home county, along with tw bordering counties to slightly expand target market. Tactics included:

  • Targeted Display feature call to action to apply to multiple positions
  • In-Story Video utilize video’s sight, sound and motion to communicate true strengths of facility as an employer while showcasing multitude of healthcare career options
  • OTT Video broadens standard online video reach to capture full opportunity of active and passive job seekers in market.

Campaign reached over 150,000 active and passive healthcare workers in the three-county area. The creative resonated with the audience driving high time spent with ads and exceptional click thru rates (0.28%!)


Like most healthcare facilities, a local hospital was facing staffing challenges – especially attracting younger, entry level nurses to their facility.

This hospital wanted new graduates to consider their facility for employment post-graduation.

The team set out to understand the recruitment media behaviors of new graduates. These individuals highly depend on their mobile devices and spend much of their time on social media. Understanding these media behaviors a plan was developed to reach them when they were most engaged.

  • Hyper local mobile trageting  of nursing program campuses. Mobile IDs are collected, creating a custom audience of nursing students at select schools. Messaging can then be delivered to these devices whether they are on campus or back at home studying.
  • Active Paid Social Media reached those actively searching for nursing jobs across prominent social media channels. Messaging showcased positive hospital culture and good benefits to woo prospective employees.
  • Passive Social Media reached a broader audience of those in the nursing field who may not be active job seekers and their families / friends. Including this audience allows messaging to be seen by those higher up in the funnel (likely to become active job seekers soon) and their families/friends who are likely to share postings via word of mouth.

Over 180,000 ads were served over the course of the campaign driving over 1,500 visits to the hospital’s careers page with interest stemming from new graduate audience.

Professional (Engineering)

A local engineering company was having trouble filling Level l and Level ll technicians and engineers.

Attract both passive and active candidates equipped with the skills needed for these positions.

AMNY developed a layered strategy approach, speaking to each type of job seeker and their motivations. This customized communication made targeted placements more noticeable and applicable to potential candidates, driving ad engagements and application submissions.

  • Targeted Display designed with the passive job seeker in mind focuses on skills needed for a technician or engineering role. Delivered to those within the engineering field who may want to try something new, that fits within their existing skill set
  • Targeted Display designed with the active job seeker in mind, communicates work / life balance and benefits, setting this employer apart from the pack.
  • MaxRecruit Job Postings offer high profile, bottom of the funnel activations that put these job postings front and center among qualified and interested tactics. Works in concert to provide an activation point, once candidates are primed with previous skill or benefits communication
  • 60% increase in new visitors to website
  • GA top 5 search results were inquiries at target locations
  • Client cited a notable increase in calls and appointment setting at the three target locations

Education (Auto-School Enrollment)

The College of Automotive and Diesel Technology (NYADI) sought to drive greater engagement and enrollments among their target prospects. Their digital marketing efforts had been unfocused and marginally effective because previous marketing vendors lacked the data points, targeting expertise and optimization power they needed to consistently drive the campaign and effectively deliver conversions and enrollments. Our digital experts took the helm with a data-focused strategy that would set the campaign on the right course and improve performance.

  • Improve overall brand awareness and awareness of new degree program
  • Target new audiences
  • Increase enrollment

The digital team consulted with NYADI to get a deep understanding of their business, competitive landscape and marketing goals. After conducting a website and digital campaign audit, we identified areas that needed improvement and developed a comprehensive plan that included top-notch creative and our wealth of data to engage the client’s key target audience of young men, low to moderate household income, interests in cars and do-it-yourself auto repair. A full suite of marketing tactics was deployed to reach and convert prospects including display, search, social, remessaging, video and location-based targeting.

Search tactics included both SEM (paid) and SEO (organic) to help bolster search visibility and website credibility. The SEM campaign focused on identifying the right keywords and implementing a keyword bidding structure to get the most efficiency from the search budget. The SEO team created topically focused backlinks and ensured that external listings such as Google My Business were reviewed, updated and optimized to maintain quality citation profiles.

Social impressions and Social Lead Generation ads delivered messaging and content that helped engage the right audience and drive immediate action. The social environment was an optimal place to target the key prospects and their influencers, such as parents. Lead generation ads delivered prospect information immediately to the client’s email and CRM.

Location-Based targeting (geo-fencing) allowed us to connect with current and prospective students in and around competitor locations. Location targeting was timed around school open house events to catch attention during peak interest in attending a technical school. Geo-Retargeting was also employed to reinforce messaging and stay top-of-mind.

TrueView Video provided an optimal platform to incorporate visuals and message to capture audience attention. A short video can speak volumes. The client was able to promote multiple student benefits, showcase their facilities and include student testimonials that get to the heart of what they can offer.

  • Enrollment starts increased by 65% in a 12-month year over year comparison.

  • SEM paid search campaign delivered 11,991 clicks.

  • TrueView Video campaign garnered a 51% view rate which is over 2X

    the industry standard.


A trucking staffing agency focused on placing jobs for owner operators, lease purchase and small fleet trucks saw the need to increase the number of driver hires per month across the eastern half of the U.S., with focus on Midwest and Southeast. The company had historically relied on websites to produce indirect leads, which lead to quantity over quality hires.

The recruitment team presented a strategy that showed the client that generating direct leads would be more effective while still satisfying the need for quantity of leads.

  • Decrease Cost per Hire
  • Increase hire numbers per month
  • Increase call volume for potential applicants
  • Expand brand awareness to key stakeholders

The recruitment team deployed a variety of tactics including Digital Display, Social Media, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and Print.

The digital awareness campaign started by sharing the company’s messages with a specialized trucking audience, which includes CDL truck drivers located in Southeast, Midwest and East Coast regions.

In addition to general display ads, geotargeted ads were also implemented at common truck stops throughout the campaign. Geotargeting these locations increased the likelihood that interested candidates would see the ad and then take an action.

The digital team launched a search engine marketing campaign across the top search engines: Google, Bing, and Yahoo! to increase Malone’s visibility in search results as drivers look for trucking companies.

Key performance indicators were closely tracked and the campaign optimized accordingly through ad copy and bidding adjustments.

This ongoing optimization process resulted in major increases in inbound web traffic through paid search.

The social experts managed client’s Facebook page to educate potential applicants on the benefits of driving for them and help ease the application and conversion process in addition to creating brand awareness and increasing engagement on the page.

In addition to organic social media posts, paid social was also implemented on Facebook to expand audience reach to truck drivers and those who show interest in and/or like driver-related pages.

Through constant monitoring, ongoing campaign optimization, and regular face-to-face meetings to discuss campaign performance and evolving short-term and long-term goals, the recruitment team effectively increased the client’s conversion rate of applicants to hires.

  • 5X more hires than other vendors used
  • 57% increase in calls
  • 30% decrease in cost per acquisition

Recruitment Marketing Blog Posts

Let’s Discuss Your Recruitment Marketing

We have a proven strategy to help recruitment marketers communicate their stories and increase applications.

or call 877-240-0701