Manufacturing and digital marketing

Business owners today are stretched in so many directions. The key is to focus on what you’re best at, and to find a great partner to do the rest.

Marketing is an area many businesses chose to outsource, mainly because the marketing world is changing so quickly. But it’s not something you can completely turn over to a vendor. You’ve got to be involved. And, you really have to have the right partner, one you can trust will stay on top of industry trends and best practices, and one who will take the time to get to know you, your business and your goals.

Here are a few things to think about as you consider hiring a marketing partner.

Experience. Look for an agency that understands your industry.  You’ll save time not having to explain how your business works and you’ll get to capitalize on their experience growing other companies like yours.

Business saavy. Do they understand your big picture? It’s easy to get swept away with their sales sizzle. Make sure you know what kind of a strategic plan they will present to you, how they plan to understand your needs and address them, how they plan to move the needle on growing your business for you – not just click-thru rates.  What kind of reporting will they provide to you to make sure your strategy is working.

Total package. Can your partner do everything you need?  Do you need strategy, creative design, execution and reporting? If so, make sure they have what it takes.  Do they have a creative team? How deep is their area of expertise in digital marketing. Check out their online presence. Stay away from an agency with a poorly-designed website or who isn’t active on social media. If they can’t take care of their business how well will they with yours.

Experience. Check out examples of their work and client testimonials. Does it look like it could align with what you need? Do their case-studies actually accomplish their clients’ goals?

Accountability. What tools are they using to help you hit your goals? How often will they report out to you and what does that reporting look like? Make sure the reporting matches your expectations. Are they willing to educate you along the way? If you’re afraid to ask the question, they’re probably not the right partner for you!

Finding the right partner for any endeavor takes time. But like any relationship, establishing the foundation and expectations at the onset is the first-step to success.