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It is important to keep in mind that not only do you need to have a marketing strategy for potential patients, but also to attract candidates for various positions and job openings. In order for that positive word of mouth strategy to be successful, you need to make sure that you have the best people working for you. You want your company culture to be the same as the one you are projecting on your website and social medias.

Projecting company culture is a huge part of the recruitment process. When thinking about how you should use this as a tool in your digital recruitment strategy there are many different aspects of company life that you would want to try to highlight to make sure you are attracting the right type of person.

Throughout the pandemic recruiting in the healthcare industry has been at an all-time high and with the digital world shaping how we live today; internal referrals and job listing are no longer enough. This is where destination employer campaigns come in, which is a new tactic where companies must highlight their core values, workplace culture, their story, and their competitive advantage to attract applicants. Doing this give companies the opportunity to get people to want to be a part of their culture, rather than trying to search for new hires.

There are many statistics that drive this theory forward. The first being that 75% of job seekers are likely to apply to a job if the employer actively manages their brand. A bad brand reputation will also affect job listings as 68% of women and 67% of men in the United States would not join a company with a bad reputation. This is countered by the 92% of people that say they would consider changing jobs if the company had an excellent corporate reputation.

People are looking to see if your organization cares about its brand reputation before applying. 68% of millennials, 54% of gen xers, and 48% of baby boomers indicate they visited an employer social media property specifically to evaluate their employer brand. A negative reputation can cost a company as much as 10% more per hire, while highlighting good company culture you can even reduce the cost per hire as much as 50%.

Advance Media New York helps healthcare providers develop effective marketing campaigns with an eye on attribution.  Find out how our dedicated team of healthcare marketers can you your organization acquire new patients, retain current patients and tell your brand story.  Contact for more information.