North Country Region Eat Smart New York


Eat Smart New York (ESNY) helps families and individuals eat better for less. Topics include cooking, meal planning, shopping for nutritious food on a budget, food safety, weight control, physical activity, and much more. The goal of the campaign that we developed was to identify innovative avenues to reach a SNAP eligible audience that lives in the rural areas of a 10-county region; who have limited access to the internet, limited transportation and cannot be reached through a traditional group education format.

Each lesson was based on Eat Smart New York’s pre-existing lesson plan which includes 3 core messages; to eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more and replace some sugary drinks with water. Scratch off pieces tasked recipients to watch a video via a landing page, web key, USB or DVD in search of the answer to a specific question, at the end of each video, participants were encouraged to submit a form via direct mail or online indicating their intent to change. Each successfully returned submission was used to record a measurable “intent to change” for our client’s records.


  • Campaign Development
  • Digital Ads
  • Print
  • Videos
  • Landing Pages

Eating Better on a Budget

Housing Unit

Scratch-Off Gamepiece

Web Key with Video

The usb lesson package was delivered to individuals with a home computer however had limited or no internet access.

Rethink Your Drink

Housing Unit

Scratch-Off Gamepiece


USB with Video

The usb lesson package was delivered to individuals with a home computer however had limited or no internet access.

Get Moving

Housing Unit

Scratch-Off Gamepiece


DVD Video & Sleeve

The video lesson package was delivered to individuals with no home computer with access to a dvd player.


We have a talented bunch of Creative Consultants who draw from their experience working with advertisers of every type and size that would love to work with you!